Doctoral Celebration of Stefanie Nübler

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Stefanie Nübler achieved her doctoral degree at the Institute of Medical Biotechnology after a successful defense on the 15th of June. Being one of the first PhD students to start, she made great efforts to unravel structural changes affecting muscle performance and compromising quality of life, ultimately leading to organ failure and eventually death in patients suffering from desminopathies. Using SHG microscopy she developed techniques to obtain quantitative data reflecting disrupted myofibrillar assembly by calculating measures called ‚vernier density‘ and ‚cosine angle sum‘ within an age and genotype dependent study. Utilizing these techniques, she could directly correlate force generation to structure in a newly established device combining morphometry studies with assessment of the calcium sensitivity of muscle fibers. Today, her colleagues, family and friends celebrated her success with delicious food and drinks, while some personal highlights definitely were the stack of brownies (still waiting for the recipe) and the muscle / sarcomere themed doctoral hat featuring a 1 : e-06 plush model of a smiling sarcomere; whether or not anything like this was ever seen in nature and if it was properly structured can only be answered by Steffi. Her colleagues and friends congratulate her on achieving this big step in her career and wish her all the best for her future.