Schlagwort: scientific talks

Der Tag der offenen Wissenschaft am 22. Oktober 2021 - g'scheid Schlau! - an der FAU stand am CBI ganz unter dem Motto "Die Medizintechnik von Morgen". In einer interaktiven Talkrunde stellten drei Forscher in Impulsvorträgen technische Entwicklungen vor die bereits heute die Zukunft der Medizintech...

Kategorie: Allgemein

Dr. Jan Saam, founder of Ospin. We very much appreciated the inspiring visit of Dr. Jan Saam, which was also accompanied by a talk in course of the CBI colloquium. Here, he introduced us to the modular bioreactor approach of his company Ospin. While Ospin on the one hand provides simple stock soluti...

Kategorie: Scientific Talks

Prof. Boris Martinac, head of the Mechanobiology Laboratory, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Sydney, AU. We thank Prof. Boris Martinac for his visit until the 5th of November and his inspiring talk among the MURCE about recent findings of his lab involving mechanically activated ion channel...

Kategorie: Scientific Talks, Visitors